What clients say

... Your commissioned JEWEL ...

2015: A unique collage/painting or piece of jewelry with your very own personal heart essence

JEWEL No. 2 created 2015; 30 x 30 cm = 11.811 x 11.811 in, collage on canvas; it is located in Croatia


"That is so beautiful! That is the most beautiful present I have ever received as an exchange for one of my courses. You captured my aura colors, my favorite jewelry amber and pearls, my favorite element water, waves and the ocean. The explosion is like the light of a galaxy."


Amber and mother of pearl are coming together. At the meeting point lapis lazuli and a pearl appear and an explosion of light happens like the birth of a new galaxy symbolized by swarovsky element crystals.

Jewel No.1 created 2015 Ø 40 cm = 15.748 in, acrylic/collage on canvas; it is located in Bad Tölz/Germany.

"A deep sense of touch of the jewel in my heart was the beginning of a journey deep inside. No matter what has happened to me on this trip - it was healing - it was a deep touch of the soul/heart-essence, it was a recognition and awakening into a newer consciousness. The touch with femininity, with clarity, with ease, with LOVE to everything and much more has carried this consciousness into a new dimension. 
It is easy to integrate it, you just look at the heart-jewel every day and you will be reminded, which is wonderful. This helps you through where you stand every day and where your heart-path leads you. 
It is not only a moment that happens but a journey that begins. It's up to you to do this, just as I have done it - I did get into it. A deep gratitude is streaming through me, because this could happen by a wonderful artist of a special kind - Heidi Sieber. ENTER her magical world!" Elisabeth Wilhelm


Another testimonial by her:

"I have already several works of art including jewelry from Heidi. Each one is unique - filled with the energy of pure love. The energy is entering your heart and is letting  you remember that you are also pure love. Her artworks are touching the recipient deeply, also as a gift. Her talent is to capture the moment and to feel what your soul needs in that moment to be able to develop. It is always a big surprise what lies within her. Let yourself be surprised. Much love for you, Dear Heidi."

Jewel No. 3 created 2015 20 x 20 cm = 7.874 in; collage on acrylic glass; it is located near Pforzheim/ Germany.


The client's feedback was: "Your jewel has touched me deeply. It shows me things of which I was not really aware of - I have a feeling that thereby it dissolves a lot. Thank you!"

... Commissioned SOUL MILESTONES ...


Soul milestones are showing a glimpse into the soul and help to remember....... I created 12 collages from 2009-2010

 Soul milestone collage No. 6 created 2010


"When I felt my milestone while it was still covered, I felt a wonderful supportive quality of being carried and therein a deep sense of security, full of warmth and trust. A very warm, expanding deeply touching beam touched my heart.


When I opened my eyes, I recognized me and felt a deep and overflowing love wherein I saw three images: As a child in the arms and on the chest of my loving and affectionate mother, as a woman in my husband's arms and as a human in the womb of god. Thank you, Dear Heidi, heartfelt thank you for this wonderful milestone! It is my source and mouth at the same time." Katharina Sebert. www.In-guten-Haenden.com, www.Weg-der-Liebe.com and www.meine-seelenmedizin.com

Soul milestone collage No. 2 created 2009


"Then I unwrapped it. And in the very first moment I knew that he is my artwork! Just like my artwork looks, I often feel. As the jagged rocks in the surf. He stands there, invincible and tight and can not be moved from thousand waves. Inside he is beautiful and unique with the gem, the sun in the heart. Something more apt I've never received in my long life. You could not know about my sympathy and yes about my longing for the water and the sea. I think it's incredible how you could connect with me to receive these information. I was and am speechless and deeply touched." Andreas H.

... Commissioned PERSONAL MILESTONES ...


The next steps of a person depicted in a collage/painting. I created 67 artworks from 2003-2005

Milestone No. 1 for Claus Rank was included on his CD-cover

Personal milestone collage No. 62 created 2005

The sustainability of a milestone artwork shows that voice of Evi G. in 2010 about her milestone artwork created 2005


"Energy, trust, confidence

The milestone gives me five years later every day still a lot of strength + energy; the confidence to be on the right track. He is placed where I can watch him in the morning and evening perfectly ".