Team Heidi Sieber and Claudia Berger:

We are SUPPORT-COACHES FOR EACH OTHER - strong together as a team!

Our proposal for you:

The flyer contains a proposal for a package. We are happy to create packages for your wishes!


Step 1 and 3 with Heidi Sieber:



1. Emotional detox for more potential development

3. The artworks are connected with pens and colours = A big picture is created

1. How powerfully art can be used in the team when it comes to DISCHARGING ACCUMULATED EMOTIONS, HARMONISATION and RECHARGING with FRESH ENERGY with my simple drawing technique (felt-tip pens and coloured pencils on paper) and development method "Neuroart meets Mission" can be experienced in the After Work Discharge Recharge Shop to bring the team to a new level. The third meaning of the shop: So to speak a shop in the company where the employees go in. The team members do not need to be able to draw for this. My "Neuroart meets Mission" method also strengthens creative communication with oneself and the team. It contributes to the health of the employees and their identification with the company. READ ABOUT THE DETAILS HERE:

Step 2 with Claudia Berger:



A constellation work of meaning-oriented leadership in teams, specially developed by Claudia Berger, with structured mediation as well as integration of the location building and the workplace follows the first step.


Constellation work: Representatives for certain people and situations are set up identically. The change in the constellation consequently also brings about a specific positive change to the actual problem.

How do we work together?

One holds the space for the other as a SUPPORT COACH, forms a protected framework for the group and gives impulses from outside. We are a strong, well-rehearsed team.

The BENEFIT for you

We bring a breath of fresh air to the team and more

The discharging and recharging, harmonising and giving impulses can contribute to the health of the employees and to a good teamwork. The constellation work is focussed on bringing theme resolution and reorganisation to the team. The inventory happens, when the large artwork is created from the individual drawings. It shows the changes in the individual artworks and in the total artwork. It serves to strengthen the community, appreciation of the individual and identification with the company.

Time invest and more

Up to 8 employees can be supervised in one step. In the 3rd step also more.
1st step: 4 hours in total: 2 hours drawing, 2 hours supervision of individual artworks
2nd step: 8 hours of constellation work
3rd step: 3 hours of merging the individual drawings, neurographing and combining the colours
i.e. the time investment is altogether 15 hours.

Our journey can take place via zoom or live.

We are looking forward to meeting you.
This is a package proposal. We would be happy to work out your package tailored to you.

Yours, Heidi Mara Sieber and Claudia Parvinah Berger

Self-responsible participation:
My courses and seminars are NOT therapeutic measures, but intensive self-experiences. With your registration you declare yourself willing and able to deal with your experiences in the seminar/recording on your own responsibility. It does not replace diagnosis or treatment by a doctor or alternative practitioner or, in the case of pre-existing mental illnesses, by a psychologist. As a participant you assure that you know where you can turn to and will do so if necessary.